Project Summary:
Established in 1891, Ridgway, the “town that would not die” and “gateway to the San Juan Mountains,” has a special western mountain town quality with outstanding scenic views and a strong historic core. Characteristics that contribute to the strong sense of place in Ridgway include:
- Commitment to sustainable design methods and strategies
- Inclusive public process
- Authentic solutions
- Preservation of historic and natural qualities
- Pedestrian-oriented scale in the downtown core
The Ridgway Stormwater Master Plan team, which includes town staff, our consultant engineer BHI with their subconsultant DHM, will develop a Stormwater Master Plan (SWMP) that helps preserve and enhance these characteristics. The population of Ouray County is predicted to nearly double by 2050 from 2016 levels with some of this growth occurring in Ridgway. This growth could change the character of Ridgway if not carefully managed. We will work to develop recommended stormwater improvements that will not only be functional in reducing flooding and maintenance requirements; they will be resilient and sustainable, incorporating green solutions that help preserve the character of Ridgway. Beyond upgrading the function and size of the municipal system to reduce impacts of flooding, Ridgway has an opportunity to install progressive improvements that fit with the character of the Town by minimizing conventional concrete drainage structures, reducing costs by “right sizing” the system, and strengthening the natural riparian corridors. The final stormwater recommendations will apply a range of strategies, customized to address specific challenges and opportunities across the Town.
Stormwater as a resource – We view this stormwater management system as providing an opportunity to address flooding by directing runoff to natural areas and supporting habitat, keeping with the Town’s Community Vision. The Uncompahgre River Corridor and Cottonwood Creek are two areas that would benefit greatly from the addition of stormwater attenuation systems that support higher soil moisture levels and infiltration and improve water quality prior to discharge of stormwater to the river and creek. The team will explore these and other ecologically sustainable stormwater solutions.